Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Mandala Meditation

    Mandala Meditation

    Mandalas are an ancient art which have been used in cultures around the world! Using a simple technique, Mandala Meditation allows you to find a deeply relaxing and nourishing state to explore your inner world through creativity…

  • Are you addicted to being busy?

    Are you addicted to being busy?

    Do you feel like you could be doing something more productive? Do you feel guilty for resting? You are not alone. It’s 2020 and it’s entirely normal. The age where work can be done from a small, palm-sized object in your hand. The era when it’s become difficult to distinguish when our ‘doing’ really stops…

  • What is a Women’s Circle and Why Do I Need One?

    Women’s Circles totally changed my life. They gave me space to gain perspective. To embrace my potential and to identify and let go of the things which were holding me back. They let me be seen, heard and held in a safe space. They allowed for reflection in the relationship with myself and healing for…

  • Why Savasana Is The Most Important Pose In Your Yoga Practice

    Why Savasana Is The Most Important Pose In Your Yoga Practice

    It’s coming to the end of your yoga class and your teacher calls out ‘Savasana’! Some of us think, finally it’s time for relaxation! Other’s retract into the anxiety of having to lie still with our thoughts until told otherwise. Here are a few pointers and frequently asked questions to help you in the most…

  • How To Make A Ghee Lamp? Simple Steps and Why You Should Do It!

    How To Make A Ghee Lamp? Simple Steps and Why You Should Do It!

    The clock struck 4pm in the UK and my family gathered at the temple space in our home to light a flame for the global pandemic we find ourselves in. I watched my mother strike a match and light the ghee lamp she had lovingly made with cotton. She set it in a metal holder…

  • 20 Inspiring Books to Read for 2020

    20 Inspiring Books to Read for 2020

    Heart, soul and whole year of read-search, some of these books have changed my life, some will motivate you, others will inspire you. You might find some stories to get completely lost in whilst others might share topics from philosophy and spirituality through to science. (There’s even one carrot at the end which guided me…

  • How I Make My Commute More Mindful

    How I Make My Commute More Mindful

    The average commute time is 200 hours per year, that’s nearly 9 full days of living! These practices are to share how life can be mesmirising in the most ordinary of situations…

  • A Metaphor Of Play

    A Metaphor Of Play

    When I was younger, I like you, played my life out through different roles. Some days I felt responsible and wanted to play mummies and daddies. I sometimes spent entire holidays building tents out of whatever I could get my hands on, tying them to the foundations of my new home. I skipped, hopped and…

  • 5 Unusual Outcomes from 10 Days in Silent Meditation

    5 Unusual Outcomes from 10 Days in Silent Meditation

    A recent conversation reminded me that there was another side to silent meditation which I hadn’t revealed and that perhaps it wasn’t as rosy as I chose to remember it. So let’s get real and talk about 5 unexpected outcomes from the experience…

  • How I Afforded To Travel Around The World For 5 Years

    How I Afforded To Travel Around The World For 5 Years

    Taking on a life of long term travel has come with its fair share of assumptions. How can we afford to do it? What do we do for work? Or is daddy just paying for it all? So let’s talk about it, blow the cover and get down to how there are more ways to…

Got any book recommendations?